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Handling back orders


Back orders are purchase orders that derive from requirements such as sales order or production orders. To view due and overdue purchase orders that are not received or partially received, go to Purchase/To be processed/Back order handling. You can see the source of their requirements if they were generated from sales orders or production orders. Back order handling enables you to change the delivery dates of the purchase orders in case of change of fulfillment dates from requirements.


Selection section


Click Warehouse to select one or more warehouse(s) to display purchase orders for the selected warehouse(s). By default all warehouses are selected to display purchase orders for all warehouses. Once a warehouse or more warehouses are selected, a green check mark and 'In use' are displayed.

Note: To select more than one warehouse at a time, hold down CTRL and click the warehouses that you want. Alternatively, hold down SHIFT and click to select all warehouses between the two selected ones.


Click Assortments to select specific item assortment(s) to display purchase orders with items linked to the selected assortment(s). By default none is selected to display purchase orders with items linked to any assortment. Once an assortment or more assortments are selected, a green check mark and 'In use' are displayed.

Note: To select more than one assortment at a time, hold down CTRL and click the assortments that you want. Alternatively, hold down SHIFT and click to select all assortments between the two selected ones.


Type or select a specific item or a range of items to display purchase orders for the selected item(s). Select the All check box to display purchase orders for all items.


Type or select a supplier to display purchase orders for the selected supplier.


Type the number of days to be displayed in the purchase orders overview. For example, if you type '5', the overview will display for 5 days.

Empty fulfillment dates

Select this check box to display purchase orders without fulfillment dates.

Fulfillment date < Date

Select this check box to display purchase orders with fulfillment date earlier than the current date.

Selection code

Type or select the selection code to display purchase orders with the selected code.


Select Order controlled to display purchase orders for order controlled items select Stock controlled to display purchase orders for stock controlled items, or select All to display purchase orders for all items.



Click Display to display the back order handling overview based on the defined criteria. This overview shows purchase orders that are not fulfilled or partially fulfilled, including purchase orders that were generated from sales orders and production orders. After clicking this, the following are available:

  • Refresh - Click Refresh to display purchase orders based on the specified filter criteria.
  • Details - Select the relevant purchase order's quantity under the quantity column by respective date and click Details to display the details of the purchase order.
  • Source - Select the relevant purchase order’s quantity under the quantity column by the respective date and click Source to view the source requirement order such as a sales order or production order for the selected purchase order.    
  • Item - Select the relevant purchase order's item and click Item to display the respective item maintenance.
  • Change - Select the relevant purchase order's quantity under the quantity column by the respective date and click Change to change the delivery date of the purchase order.
  • Export - Click Export to export the displayed overview to Microsoft Excel.
  • Close - Click Close to exit.  

 Note: Not all buttons in the above overview are enabled. Only buttons that are relevant to the Content: Purchase, which displays purchase orders are enabled.


Click Close to exit.

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